FCD Newsletter Issue #41

For FCD, Forecastle Foundation (FF) is synonymous to karst management. FF is based in Kentucky, home to Mammoth Caves. FF have been financing FCD’s Karst Management Unit for more than 4 years. During the month of September, a team of Forecastle Foundation members visited the Chiquibul, led by Jerry Scrogham. Their visit was aimed at […]

FCD Annual Report 2021

This past year has been as much a challenge to the world as it has been to FCD. However; I am happy to say that through perseverance and determination FCD has managed to maintain its presence in the Chiquibul and Vaca regions, and effectively kept the border incursions to a minimum. Rogue loggers, xateros, illegal […]

FCD Newsletter Issue #40

A joint historic visit with security units was conducted on the Vaca Forest Reserve during the month of August. This was a unique experience given that it never had been realized before. This activity had been desirable, due to the fact that the reserve is the gateway of various illicit activities, from both internal and […]

FCD Newsletter Issue #39

The long awaited Chiquibul Symposium II finally took place on March 21st under the title, “Restoring Our National Patrimony”. The Prime Minister of Belize, Honorable John Briceno gave the keynote address while the Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Risk Management, Honorable Orlando Habet gave the opening remarks. On his address, the Prime Minister […]

FCD Newsletter Issue #38

Like most events in 2020, FCD’s Annual General Meeting was held virtual. It was a unique experience, but one that was successfully attended by over 80 FCD members and friends. The 21st AGM was conducted by Mr. Aurelio Sho and virtually hosted by Millennium Studios. Mrs. Susana Vanzie gave the welcome address followed by FCD’s […]

FCD Annual Report 2020

MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD PRESIDENT For the first time FCD’s Annual General Meeting is being held virtual. It is unfortunate but we feel it is imperative to bring you the most updated news about FCD and its conservation efforts in the Chiquibul-Western Maya Mountain Landscape. Great strides have been taken in the eradication of the […]

FCD Newsletter Issue #37

Wildlife camera trapping was began in Chiquibul after more than 7 years of an absence of this type of research. But with the activation of a Forest Department project, subsidized under the Key Biodiversity Area, cameras were reincorporated once more. Later this year through a partnership with Panthera, the work has been sustained in the […]

FCD Newsletter Issue #36

Over 10,000 seedlings have successfully been raised and cared for by the Arenal Women’s Conservation Group and are now ready for planting. This has kept the Environmental Educator and Extension Technician active in distributing the plants along the villages that are found along the banks of the Mopan and Macal Rivers. The communities that have […]

FCD Newsletter Issue #35

Fires in The Chiquibul Forest The fires in the Chiquibul Forest were also dramatic and a cause of high concern for FCD as co-managers of the park. The high temperatures and accumulation of fuel from fallen trees from the last hurricane created the right environment for the explosion of wild fires across the tropical forest. […]