About Us

Our Partners

FCD is honoured to work with more than a 100 partner institutions from Belize and abroad. From the private sector to community based organizations, they make our conservation work effective and result oriented. Good standing, responsibility and due diligence is central to our work and we stand firm on these values. Integrity and being principled is reminded of us on our strategic plan.

Government Agencies

Ministry of Education (Cayo District)

Commonwealth of Municipalities of Southern Peten

British Army Training Support Unit Belize

Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas (Guatemala)

Organization of American States

Protected Areas Conservation Trust

Community Based Organizations

Cooma Cairn Mennonite Community

Todos Por Un Mundo Verde

FCD Environmental Youth Group

Friends of Vaca Forest Reserve

Friends of Lower Dover

Itzamna Society

Non-Governmental Organizations

Forecastle Foundation

Sisters of Nazareth

The Nature Trust of the Americas

Toucan Education Programs

Wildlife Conservation Society

Panthera Belize

Private Sector

Cayo Cargo

Turtle Inn

GAIA River Lodge

Channel 5 Belize

Channel 7 TV

Blancaneaux Lodge

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