FCD Newsletter Issue #30

Visiting QCC in London The Queens Commonwealth Canopy (QCC) has been heralded as one of those unique endeavors championed by the Queen of England aimed at bringing together the family of Commonwealth nations to protect their forest resources. For Belize, the Chiquibul National Park was accepted as part of the QCC initiative. Since its acceptance, […]

FCD Newsletter Issue #29

Bald Hills Under Threat The Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve (MPRFR) was first declared a protected area in 1944. By 1977, the reserve was comprised of 127,203 acres. The latest known gazette, SI 43 of 2012 puts the acreage of MPRFR at 106,457.60 acres. The Bald Hills, located on the eastern edge, is characterized by […]

FCD Annual Report 2017

MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD CHAIR The non-governmental work that FCD does is, truly, a labor of love. Its mandate is the protection and conservation of 5.5% of our country’s landmass. As one may imagine, this is not a very easy task. What is even more incredible, is the fact that FCD expends most of its […]

FCD Newsletter Issue #28

Taiwan Ambassador Visits Chiquibul A helicopter had not landed at Las Cuevas Research Station in many years. That changed in September when the Taiwanese Ambassador to Belize, Mr. Charles Liu and his staff, accompanied by the Commander of the Belize Defence Force, General David Jones visited the research station, located in the heart of the […]

FCD Newsletter Issue #27

Toyota Chiquibul Challenge According to Mr. Pie Marin of Belize Diesel and Equipment Co. Ltd. (BDE), the last time the Toyota Company ran a challenge in the Chiquibul was some ten years ago. This time around they wanted not only to take a fun ride in the forest, but more importantly to learn of the […]

FCD Newsletter Issue #26

Gold panning in the Chiquibul Belize is blessed with water resources that appear to be abundant. This resource has primarily been safe for human use, despite the multiple debris, sediments and particles that are thrown into it. The human impacts on the rivers and streams can be seen obviously where human settlements occur. FCD is […]


AN ACT to amend the Forests Act, Chapter 213 of the Substantive Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2011; to provide for the updating and restructuring of penalties to more realistically effective levels; and to provide for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.

FCD Annual Report 2016

MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD CHAIR This is my second year as Chair of the Board and I want to use this space to thank you all for the opportunity to serve in this position; reflect on the experiences and work that lies ahead; and urge you to become more involved. I want to start by […]

FCD Newsletter Issue #25

Game Poaching Report Finalized The FCD research team centres its efforts in addressing the conservation targets recommended on the Biodiversity Research, Inventory and Monitoring Framework (BRIM). The key targets include, scarlet macaw, xate, timber species and game communities. This year the second study on the impacts of poaching on game species communities was conducted. A […]

FCD Newsletter Issue #24

Results of Game Poaching Produced The results of the survey to assess impacts of poaching on game species communities in the Chiquibul Forest are now final. The document, which has been reproduced and distributed among key institutions is the second study of its kind that helps understand trends over time regarding the health of wildlife […]