
Results of Game Poaching Produced

The results of the survey to assess impacts of poaching on game species communities in the Chiquibul Forest are now final. The document, which has been reproduced and distributed among key institutions is the second study of its kind that helps understand trends over time regarding the health of wildlife populations.

The study, undertaken by FCD’s research team shows that a total of 1,022 individuals representing 24 species (14 mammal and 10 bird species) were recorded during the 2013 surveys, while in 2016 a total of 1,184 individuals representing 25 game species (16 mammal and 9 bird species) were recorded. All but five (5) games species (4 mammal and 1 bird species) recorded in 2013 were also registered in 2016. The study further shows a decrease in hunting which can be attributed to the dramatic decrease in illegal xate extraction in the area plus the complete cessation of illegal logging. We certainly hope that this situation remains and that wildlife numbers rebound into healthier populations.


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