Site visit assessment for the development of a nursery at the Valley of Peace S.D.A. Academy


🌿FCD’s Environmental Educator has conducted a site visit assessment for the development of a nursery at the Valley of Peace S.D.A. Academy compound. This assessment was conducted with the guidance and skills of FCD’s Extension Technician Mr. Eduardito Mendez along with the support of Mr. Ermain Requena, Restoration and Regenerative Agriculture Coordinator, Belize Maya Forest Trust. The 20’ x 60’ nursery will be established with the aim of housing over 5,000 seedlings for restoration of the riparian forest along the Belize River Watershed and denuded areas within the community. This initiative is made possible with support from the Ministry of Sustainable Dev. Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management and financed through the UNDP-GEF6 Project.🍃