It’s Wild Wonder Wednesday! Can you spot the Green Heron?

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🍃It’s Wild Wonder Wednesday! Can you spot the Green Heron? They are opportunistic feeders who mostly feed on fish. It often drops bait onto the water’s surface and captures the little fish that are drawn to it. It employs a range of baits and traps, including bread crusts, insects, earthworms, twigs, and feathers. These birds normally nest in trees near water and do not nest in large colonies.🌿

Did you know?

✅ The Green Heron is one of the few tool-using birds.

✅ In flight, it looks like a crow, but its wing beats are slower, its shape is slightly different, and its neck is reddish-brown.

✅ Both parents incubate the eggs for 19 to 21 days (3 weeks).

✅ The young can first fly at about 21 to 23 days old.