
EU FAO-FLEGT’s Support Phenomenal

After an exhaustive 4 year effort combatting illegal logging in the Chiquibul National Park, Chiquibul Forest Reserve and Caracol Archaeological Reserve, FCD is better armed and knowledgeable on the methods required to address complex environmental problems. Thanks to the FAO/FLEGT Programme, who stayed with us and assisted in identifying and implementing strategies for four years, we have assimilated our experiences and reported to stakeholders the results of the financial and technical support. The closing workshop took place on the 28th of January, followed by the production of a systematization booklet which tests 4 hypothesis and assumptions.

The support from FAO/FLEGT Programme took us to explore new areas and strengthened new platforms that are there to stay at FCD and in the Chiquibul jungles. These platforms includes, joint forces activities, conservation posts, targeted research, binational twin projects and inter-agency coordination among others. The systematization exercise undertaken by former Forest Officer, Mrs. Tanya Santos Neal, notes that, “The partnership between FCD and the EU FAO FLEGT Programme produced impactful, innovative results which demonstrate strength and creativity.”

The Chiquibul Forest today is more silent and chainsaws are seldom heard. But FCD will remain attentive and vigilant. Special appreciation goes to Mr. Robert Simpson, EU FAO FLEGT Programme Manager and Mr. Claus Eckelmann, Regional Forestry Officer of the FAO for their confidence and support.


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