FCD Program Managers have formulated an Annual Operations Plan (AOP) for the upcoming FCD fiscal year regarding management of the Chiquibul National Park.

FCD Program Managers have formulated an Annual Operations Plan (AOP) for the upcoming FCD fiscal year regarding management of the Chiquibul National Park. The 2 day exercise prioritized actions, allocated resources and defined responsibilities. The roadmap for the design of this AOP has been the Chiquibul National Park Management Plan.
FCD’s Data Analyst plays an important role in collating and analyzing the data recovered from the field.

FCD’s Data Analyst plays an important role in collating and analyzing the data recovered from the field. From across the Western Maya Mountain landscape, in areas where FCD personnel operate, an impressive amount of data is recovered at a biweekly basis. With support from PACT and the Global Financial Integrity, the work of the Data […]
Workshop to Develop National Strategies for Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystems in the Selva Maya

Last month FCD participated on a trinational workshop session led by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) titled, “Workshop to Develop National Strategies for Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystems in the Selva Maya”, with the aim of updating participants on the enabling strategies identified that support conservation of inland water ecosystems. Participants also validated the indicators and activities […]
Site visit assessment for the development of a nursery at the Valley of Peace S.D.A. Academy

FCD’s Environmental Educator has conducted a site visit assessment for the development of a nursery at the Valley of Peace S.D.A. Academy compound. This assessment was conducted with the guidance and skills of FCD’s Extension Technician Mr. Eduardito Mendez along with the support of Mr. Ermain Requena, Restoration and Regenerative Agriculture Coordinator, Belize Maya Forest […]
Scarlet Macaw Biological Monitoring: A 7-Month Annual Program

It’s Forest Fact Fridays! Did you know that the dedicated FCD Research Unit and volunteers who participate in the annual Citizen Science program spend 7 months each year conducting biological monitoring of scarlet macaws, which results in safely protecting chicks and improving the national population?
Aerial mapping of the Chiquibul Forest conducted.

FCD conducted its regular aerial recce flight to carry out aerial mapping of the Chiquibul Forest. This time FCD’s Chiquibul Park Manager was joined by Chief Ranger 1 M. Diaz to assess their joint efforts aimed at evaluating the progress of the Chiquibul forest’s recovery and identifying any new hotspot areas.
FCD’s Vaca Forest Ranger participates in wildfire fighting training.

FCD’s Vaca Forest Ranger, Erwin Chi recently completed a fundamental wildfire fighting training program at Hill Bank Field Station from September 25th to 29th, 2023. FCD extends its congratulations to Erwin Chi as he develops new skills. We express our gratitude to Programme for Belize for their assistance in building our staff capabilities. The Vaca […]
FCD Office closed on September 28th and 29th, 2023

NOTICE: Please be informed that the FCD Office will be closed on September 28th and 29th, 2023. Our staff will be participating in a Staff Retreat during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the temporary closure. The office will reopen on October 2nd, 2023.
Can you spot the crocodile?

It’s Wild Wonder Wednesday! Can you spot the crocodile? Nature always has surprises in store for us, and today we challenge you to find the crocodile hidden somewhere in this photo! Leave a comment below with your guess!
Program Officer for USFWS Central America visits the Chiquibul

The US Fish and Wildlife Service has been financing for more than 5 years the conservation efforts of FCD in the Chiquibul National Park. The support encompasses areas of research, monitoring, and capacity building. Today, Dr. Ginger Deason, Program Officer for USFWS Central America visited the Chiquibul to observe the achievements made in these areas. […]