November 15 marks the celebration of GIS Day, FCD and scientists worldwide join the festivities.

Mappy GIS Day! Today is the 2023 World GIS Day celebrated under the theme; “Celebrating the GIS Professional.” At FCD geographic information systems (GIS) forms a significant part of the Biodiversity Research, Monitoring and Inventory Framework. Data collected through many of our GIs platforms allows us to access and use current, historical, and time-series information […]
Community questionnaire survey in the Belize River valley as part of the UNDP GEF6 project

FCD’s Environmental Educator, Justin Pook, along with a team of three volunteer enumerators, are currently conducting a community questionnaire survey in the Belize River valley as part of the UNDP GEF6 project titled “Integrated Management of Production Landscapes to deliver multiple global environmental benefits”. The data gathered will help in the design of a community […]
FCD is thankful for the donations from BWRC, generated from the Chiquibul Marathon earlier this year.

It’s Forest Fact Fridays! Did you know that “Run to Safe Macaws” is an important annual activity organized by BWRC that supports the biological monitoring of macaws in the Chiquibul. A big macaw hug and thank you to the athletes and their sponsors!!! FCD is grateful for the donations provided by the Belize Wildlife & […]
FCD signs a 5 year third party responsible agreement with the Ministry of Sustainable Development

Yesterday, November 1, 2023, FCD signed a third party responsible agreement with the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management. The agreement is for the execution of a five year project titled, “Integrated Management of Production Landscapes to deliver multiple global environmental benefits,”. FCD’s primary role in this project will be to […]
FCD’s 24th Annual General Meeting is set for December 10th, 2023.

You are cordially invited to attend FCD’s 24th Annual General Meeting on December 10th, 2023. The meeting will be livestreamed on FCD’s Facebook page. Date: December 10th, 2023 Time: 2:00 PM Please join us as we reflect on the achievements of the past year and discuss future plans. This is an excellent opportunity to gain insights into FCD’s operations and engage with […]
The latest edition of FCD’s Newsletter, Issue #48, has been released.

Ginger Deason, PhD Program Officer for Central America, U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) visited the Chiquibul during the month of September with the intent of having a first-hand look at the results of the financing provided by the USFWS. For more than 5 years, the USFWS has been supporting FCD in areas of macaw […]
International Archaeology Day was celebrated at Lamanai Archaeological Reserve.

International Archaeology Day was celebrated. Friends for Conservation and Development (FCD) took part in an event held at the Lamanai Archaeological Reserve. FCD staff raise awareness about the significance of FCD’s work and the efforts to preserve the Chiquibul forest and its Cultural features. FCD thanks the Institute of Archaeology (NICH) Belize for their ongoing […]
FCD, GIZ Selva Maya and CONAP meet to review results of GIZ funded projects.

FCD staff along with Dr. Jennie Saqui from GIZ Selva Maya met with Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas personnel to review results of GIZ funded projects. Community Outreach, aerial recces, patrolling activities and building knowledge in One Health was prominently undertaken. The activities were targeted towards communities located in the Chiquibul Maya Mountains complex. Both […]
Chiquibul jungles have many secrets, Technical committee to discuss tourism established.

The Chiquibul jungles have many secrets in store for the avid adventurer and explorer. With the opening of a paved road to Caracol these areas are becoming more accessible and thus the interest for visitation. In advance, FCD has established a technical committee to discuss what tourism can mean for these wilderness areas and what […]
FCD’s Environmental Educator conducted a community survey training for enumerators which took place at Bermudian Landing.

On the 13th of October, FCD’s Environmental Educator conducted a community survey training for enumerators which took place at Bermudian Landing. This training had the participation of 3 volunteers from the community of Esperanza, Valley of Peace and Willows Bank with the aim of creating understanding of the roles and responsibilities of an enumerator, survey […]