Belize Forest Department and FCD conduct aerial reconnaissance over the Vaca Forest Reserve

With much urgency an overflight, with Belize Forest Department and FCD personnel, was conducted over the Vaca Forest Reserve to assess the forest fires reported by Rangers and local farmers. The aerial recce confirms that dozens of fires are spread out throughout the reserve and nearby farms. The impact is high. Both the Forest Department […]
In 1989 scientists discovered in the Chiquibul Cave System a skeleton of an extinct Florida Cave Bear species.

It’s Wild Wonder Wednesday! In 1989 scientists discovered in the Chiquibul Cave System (CCS) a skeleton of an extinct bear species (Florida Cave Bear – Tremarctos floridanus). The remains date back to the glacial Pleistocene Era (2.5 million to 12,000 years ago. The presence of the now-extinct species in the CCS is shrouded in mystery.